Your Managers Tools partner is dedicated to operational excellence through innovative business management solutions and tailor-made training in Excel and Power BI. Its goal is to simplify business management by providing personalized tools and practical training that allow its clients to achieve their objectives with ease and efficiency.

We design custom Excel files and applications to meet the specific needs of your business. From dynamic dashboards to advanced inventory managers, we transform data into actionable insights.

Give your team the skills they need to excel in the digital age. Our Excel and Power BI training courses are designed to be engaging, practical and tailored to your specific needs.

Why Choose Managers Tools?

Technical Expertise: Our experts have extensive experience in developing Excel and Power BI solutions.
Customization: Every solution we create is tailored to your business, reflecting your specific processes and goals.
Practical Training: Our training courses are practice-oriented, providing skills that are directly applicable in the field.
Sustainable Partnership: We believe in lasting relationships. By working with us, you benefit from a partner committed to your long-term success.


Managers Tools is a company that offers solutions to the training needs of managers in the professional environment. Born from the vision of 2 memoirist accountants, who had difficulties entering the professional world. Once in the professional world, they quickly realized that, on the one hand, the knowledge acquired at school was only theoretical for the most part and that they will still be forced to learn practice; and on the other hand, several terms and tools used in the professional world may be new. Aware of this gap, they created Managers Tools to meet training and development needs in office automation (EXCEL, POWER BI, PYTHON, etc.) and in management professions (accounting, management control, finance and auditing, etc.).


Hi, my name is Abdoulaye, the founder of Managers Tools. Let me tell you. What if I told you that all this started with a disappointment, a shame that I could no longer accept to endure again. Yes it’s out of frustration!
During my first job, I was in front of a machine and my manager standing nearby presented me with an Excel file. One moment he asked me to merge two cells for a good result, but I didn’t know where to press or how to do it. I pretended I hadn’t heard anything to let him do it, but he repeated the same thing to me. Falling into a deep silence, he added these words: “You don’t know how to merge cells? ” shame on my face but I say “No”. It’s not like I didn’t use it before entering the professional world. In final year, we were taught how to SUM, ADD… I thought I was on point but alas I was alone in this dream. I notice that 80% are in this case.
Since that day, I decided to learn about this tool to surpass myself. I discovered incredible potential in this tool, the most used tool in the world of work but mastered by few professionals. I assure you it’s crazy, I’ve become addicted to it. This is how I managed to create powerful tools needed in the professional world and I started with first publishing dashboards on my LinkedIn network in November 2021. Now we are publishing dynamic tools, applications… in all areas; marketing, real estate, finance, construction for all types of businesses. I leave room to my colleague for the rest, a whiz with numbers…

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“Hi everyone! My name is Kodjo. I am Abdoulaye’s colleague extraordinaire, and we are working together on the Managers Tools project. First of all, let me congratulate Abdoulaye for starting this incredible initiative! But why did I I decided to join her in this exciting adventure?
I continued my studies in management in one of the most prestigious schools in Senegal. It is renowned for being one of the best in the country. At the end of my studies, I was convinced that I would be among the best when I joined the professional world. After all, we had the best teachers and a top academic program. However, upon my arrival in the business world (in a local firm), I was confronted with terms and tasks that I had never encountered during my studies.
Let’s take the example of VRS, which means deductions from salaries and whose forms were freely accessible on the DGID website. I also discovered that the VAT declaration, which we did manually, could be done in business using an online form that we never had the opportunity to complete in class. This was mainly due to the lack of time of our teachers who had to cover a busy syllabus in a short time. I quickly understood that this problem was general, because most of my colleagues encountered the same difficulties when they arrived in the professional world.
That’s when I started asking myself a critical question: How can we help future graduates avoid the problems we faced? I decided to launch videos on YouTube to cover topics such as VAT reporting and the process of preparing financial statements. However, it is often said that “together we go further”.
This is why I decided to partner with Abdoulaye in this adventure! Together we launched Managers Tools, a platform that will provide young graduates with the practical skills they need to succeed in the professional world. Together, we are determined to help the next generation of managers shine and overcome the challenges we have faced. So, join us in this exciting adventure for a better and brighter professional future!”

Mission and values

Choosing to work with Managers Tools means choosing:

The mindset : We advocate for the achievement of all our members. To do this, we adopt a culture that will connect to your mindset in order to radiate all knowledge.

Creativity: choosing to work with Managers Tools means choosing a team that is active in innovation. It is one of our soft skills that propels us every day.

Passion: the low prices applied to our products and services do not reflect the quality of our products. The work is done with passion and the satisfaction gained from the positive feedback from our customers is our best reward.

Work: our generation is known for not being hardworking like our predecessors. We then want to make our small contribution to improving our skills to prove that we can be better.


Delivery of management tools

In the era of digital transition, no sector of activity can continue to operate without thinking about adapting. We then put tools at your disposal for your different needs.


To meet the need to upgrade the skills of students and beginning professionals, we set up courses on different themes, the most common of which are: office data processing tools (Excel, PowerPoint, Power BI, Python, etc.); management (keeping a company’s accounts, tax and social security declarations, auditing of accounts, corporate finance and management control).

We offer this E-learning platform to make your learning dynamic and interactive. It’s up to you to take control, it will be at your own pace and our team remains available for your questions.
We also offer face-to-face courses on demand.


We are in the management domain. Need bookkeeping? Closing your accounts? Preparing financial statements? A business plan? A procedure manual? From the creation of your business? …

We will be happy to help you.

Your data deserves to be attractive, it affects the life of your business.

You will find the tools to download here